Start-up grants launch ventures and ignite ambitions
After they've planned their venture, we provide each program participant with around $200 in start-up grant funding, and combine this with continuing workshop training and and on-farm advice from a local expert.
We recognize the value of micro-loans, and indeed we have a goal of connecting our program alumni with appropriate financial services, but we do not believe our small business programs could succeed if we offered loans rather than grants. Micro-loans help existing businesses grow and expand, but they are very difficult to obtain for new ventures. Moreover, our partner KOCC is not a bank and does not ever want to be in a position of trying to collect overdue loan payments from the needy youth it serves.
We recognize the value of micro-loans, and indeed we have a goal of connecting our program alumni with appropriate financial services, but we do not believe our small business programs could succeed if we offered loans rather than grants. Micro-loans help existing businesses grow and expand, but they are very difficult to obtain for new ventures. Moreover, our partner KOCC is not a bank and does not ever want to be in a position of trying to collect overdue loan payments from the needy youth it serves.
Start-up grants are the lynchpin of our farm education programs. With a foundation in farm and small business strategies from the first part of the program, and combined with ongoing education through workshops and on-site extension visits, grants are the catalyst that enables participants to put their dreams into action.
To ensure the sustainability of nascent ventures, we bring in micro-loan officers to teach participants about savings, cooperatives, and responsibly and accessing credit.
To ensure the sustainability of nascent ventures, we bring in micro-loan officers to teach participants about savings, cooperatives, and responsibly and accessing credit.