- For Families in Need
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- Christmas-time Groceries for a family in need
Christmas-time Groceries for a family in need
per item
During school holidays Care Centre children return to stay with family guardians. These are extremely needy homes and we make sure that kids go home with groceries so that the children's presence is never a burden and always a blessing. Donate to help a family enjoy their favorite foods this Christmas holiday.
- Groceries include maize meal, flour, milk, sugar, tea, and other local staples
Christmas-time Groceries for a family in need
During school holidays Care Centre children return to stay with family guardians. These are extremely needy homes and we make sure that kids go home with groceries so that the children's presence is never a burden and always a blessing. Donate to help a family enjoy their favorite foods this Christmas holiday.
- Groceries include maize meal, flour, milk, sugar, tea, and other local staples
48 bananas for 48 kids
Enough bananas for each Care Centre kid to have one.
KOCC's fruit purchases support small farmers, and banana sellers in particular are typically those with a few banana trees and few options for income other than walking around looking for buyers. We avoid big wholesalers and make sure to purchase from the small sellers in the Care Centre's neighborhood.
$.05 each x 48 = $2.40
KOCC's fruit purchases support small farmers, and banana sellers in particular are typically those with a few banana trees and few options for income other than walking around looking for buyers. We avoid big wholesalers and make sure to purchase from the small sellers in the Care Centre's neighborhood.
$.05 each x 48 = $2.40
48 Avocados for 48 kids
Enough avocados for each Care Centre kid to have one each. They're healthy, ripe, and they sure seem like a bargain if you're from a cold climate!
KOCC's fruit purchases support small farmers. $.08 each x 48 = $3.84
KOCC's fruit purchases support small farmers. $.08 each x 48 = $3.84
Staff salaries for a day
Pay one day of KOCC's salaries and allowances, and appreciate their efforts to make a difference in over two hundred and fifty lives. We'll let them know a donor had them in mind!
Micro-grant to launch a youth small business
We offer small business training to small groups of needy youth, and this training is limited in part by our budget for micro-grants that help launch new business ventures. Help us bring a few more young people into small business training by funding seed capital for one small business.
Replace a full latrine with a new one
Some of the older guardians we support do not have family members to dig a new hole for a pit latrine. Create a week of work for two people and improve sanitation and dignity for a whole family by donating to pay local laborers for digging a 20 foot latrine hole.
Fertilizer for 1/2 acre land
Help a home-based family grow enough food
- Families will leverage this gift to grow several times its value in higher food yields
- Our average home-based family has nearly four children, which means this gift makes a big difference
Buy a laptop for a new college student - it's required, and sponsorships can't always cover this